the clichéd muse


Most of us try to be original in our work, yet may be unaware of how often we use a favorite yet overused saying, phrase, or metaphor.  To help combat this problem, we’ve created a new feature called the clichéd muse. 


To participate:


1.        Open to all.  Membership not necessary to participate.  All other Submission Guidelines must be followed. 

2.        Choose, then creatively re-write one item from this month's list.  Only one cliché per entry, please.

3.        Use the re-write in a titled poem of five or fewer lines. 

4.        Send both re-write and poem to
NOTE:  if the re-write of the cliché is not included, your entry will be ignored. 

5.        Beneath the poem, include name, city, state, and country.  Example: 

Mary Margaret Carlisle, Webster, TX, USA

6.        Due Date:  Not before the 5th or after the 15th of the month under which the chosen cliché is listed. 

7.        If a Member wins first place, the prize will be a book, or a $10.00 book gift certificate, our choice.  No prize except publication is offered to non-members.  Only one prize is offered per month, no matter which topic is chosen.  Only the 1st place poem will be published.

8.        KEYWORD:  Place the first four words of the chosen cliché in the subject line of your note. 

9.        JUDGES:  Sol Magazine Editors

10.   NOTE: A winner may not be chosen each month.   




NOVEMBER - the clichéd muse


1.        Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse...

2.        It’s someone else’s battle.

3.        A little sugar makes the medicine go down.

4.        No answer is also an answer.


DECEMBER - the clichéd muse


There will be no clichéd muse contest this month, for we close our offices at Midnight, December 10, 2003, until January 7th, 2004.  Look for more clichéd muse contests to be posted in 2004.




Sol Magazine:  Poetry e-journal, poetry website,
and an international organization of volunteers and
Member poets interested in the education of poets.

Sol Magazine, P.O. Box 580037, Houston, TX  77258-0037
Phone number:  281-316-2255
Call weekdays 8-5 (CT) (1400-2300 GMT or UTC)
Send comments, questions, advice to:

© 2003 Sol Magazine, A Poetry Journal
