Sol-Magazine's     IN-FORM-ED
Page created 7/29/2003

JULY:  "Bouts-Rimés & Same-Oh"
A Report by Roy Schwartzman, Assistant Editor 
FROM:  Elizabeth Barrette 
TOPIC:  The Same-Oh Form

SUGGESTION:  Basically you come up with a list of words, and people write a poem based on those words.  I think it would be cool for a Sol contest, and different from what we usually do.


Thank you for your suggestion.

The Same-Oh seems a less formally rigorous variant of the Bouts-Rimés, and lacks the rhymed words or a requirement that the given words be used in a specific order.  Although the Same-Oh does sound entertaining, it seems an extension of what we already do with contests that specify certain words be used in the entry.  

Sol contests offer structure and rigor by combining word usage requirements with specific forms.  Without a standardized form, there might too much variance among the entries to permit direct and valid comparisons.  

Conclusion:  The Same-Oh poetry form is a variation not significantly distinct from the Bouts-Rimés to be listed as a separate form.  Sol policy does allows the use of variations when specifically stated in contest notes, but not in general.    

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