Following is a list of Books and Chapbooks available from the Sol poets.
Sol Magazine is non-commercial and does not sell any items.
They may be obtained as indicated in the following sections.  All information was supplied by the authors.


It's About Time   by Naomi Stroud Simmons
3 Savanna Blue  by Peggy Zuleika Lynch, Carlyn Luke Reding, and Glynn Monroe Irby, edited by Susan Bright 
Under the Limbo Stick   by Maryann Hazen-Stearns
Indigo Avenue: Selected Poems    by Craig Tigerman
Words Elude Me  by Paula Marie White
A Cowtown Chronicle   by William Barney
Unstinted  by Ted O. Badger
Texas Poetry Calendar 2001  edited by Lianne Mercer and Betty Davis
Writing that Certain Poem  by Roberta Pipes Bowman
Welcome to Today  by Roberta Pipes Bowman


It's About Time, by Naomi Stroud Simmons.
It's About Time
Most of the poems included in this book have received prizes and awards.  This is a warm book written by a caring woman, a witty writer who has an easy way with words.  In cameo portraits she shows her family in both serious and funny remembrances.  Naomi Simmons says she is a happy writer who has discovered a treasure that she waited too long to find.  In her words, "My greatest joy is helping with poetry for three classes of junior and senior high school students."

A poem from the book:
No Cameras Please
(With Apologies to Joyce Kilmer)

I hope my friends will never see
Me and my lovely Christmas tree

My tree with matted tinsel hung
Old strings of berries too long strung

Whose popcorn chairs are yellow now
And half-chewed cookies trim each bough.

The star is listing to the right
Tired balls have disappeared from sight

It's fairly plain for all to see
The children decorate our tree

But now they're gone and Dad's asleep
I'm propped up in my stocking feet.

And sinking deeper in my chair
With faded makeup--tasseled hair

I feel a kinshiop for this tree
I think it sort of looks like me.

 (c) 1990 Naomi Stroud Simmons

If you wish to order copies of It's About Time, (published by Nortex Press) write to:

Naomi Simmons
3721 Lenox Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76107-1711

If you wish your books signed, let the author know.

Send $5.00, plus $1.00 shipping and handling per book.

3 Savanna Blue, by Peggy Zuleika Lynch, Carlyn Luke Reding, and Glynn Monroe Irby, edited by Susan Bright.
3 Savanna Blue

This collection of poems tantalizes the reader with a smoky-sweet scent of slow-cooked words and simmering sensual images drifting over the heart of Texas hill country.  Unequivocally superb writing, a mouth-watering read!

A poem from 3 Savanna Blue:

soulmates come
and go
talking of time
and its long parade

melodies of seasons
fill space
ride waves of sound
back to their origins

alone on the savanna
with each hearing
more clairvoyance
more mist
more red and blue
more moon
more night
the strings
the ropes
the chains
the waves

(C) 2000 Carlyn Luke Reding 

If you wish to order copies of 3 Savanna Blue, (published by Plain View Press) write to:

Glynn Irby
P.O.Box 637
Clute, Texas 77531
If you wish your books signed, let the author know.

Send $17.95, plus $2.66 shipping and handling (total $20.61) per book. Texas residents add $1.39 tax per book.
Phone:   979 265 2555       Fax:   979 265 4851


Under the Limbo Stick,   by Maryann Hazen-Stearns
cover of Under the Limbo Stick
Filled with gentle intensity, this eclectic collection of poetry resonates with energy and joy.  It exhibits a comprehensive understanding of the mechanical spirituality of humanity.  The reader will discover a diverse range of topics and themes which are simply compelling; each poem urging the turn of one more page.

A poem from "Under the Limbo Stick," by Maryann Hazen-Stearns (2nd runner-up in the Poet Laureate 2001 Competition):
Lady Magazine

The magazine I bought yesterday at the
check-out counter told me:  I need to have

a job and keep house, as well as
fight unsightly, suburban dandelions
in my lush lawn.  I must be

slim as I raise my children and enjoy
sports as a single parent.  It suggests that

I strive for intelligence, sensuality and
be able to fix my car with a cheerful
attitude and big breasts.  It's best to be

skinny and have a sense of humor while I manage my
budget with coupons.  It clims that

women need to show sensitivity while
we defend our country and 
file our taxes.  I must maintain my

composure as I arobicize (slenderly)
while being scented like
flowers and dryer sheets.  It said I can have

clear, soft skin while I 
drive heavy machinery in
my string bikini.  If I exercise and eat

right, I can be healthfully trim as I
care for my grandparents, parents,
children, significant other,

myself and for just 35 cents a day,
an underprivileged child 
on the other side of the globe.
For crying out loud.

 (C) 2001  Maryann Hazen-Stearns

If you wish to order copies of "Under the Limbo Stick," (published by Straw House Press, an inprint of ViviSphere Publishing Company) send $16.00 plus $3.00 shipping & handling ($19.00 total) per book to:

Maryann Hazen-Stearns
31 Lincoln Street
Ellenville, NY 12428

If you wish the book signed, let the author know. The book may also be purchased by credit card through ViviSphere Publishing Company:

Indigo Avenue: Selected Poems, by Craig Tigerman
(Writers Club Press, December, 2000,, $10.95 plus shipping.  Available also at the same price from,,, and
Indigo Ave.
Sol Magazine's Lead Editor, Craig Tigerman, recently published a book of poems entitled "Indigo Avenue." This collection draws from his thirty-three years of experience as a poet.

Mr. Tigerman's colleague at Sol Magazine, Paula Bentley, Assistant Editor, describes "Indigo Avenue" as contemporary poetry structured in a classically romantic yet spiritual style. "Craig Tigerman's expressive writing covers a wide range of stylistic fortes. His mastery of the English language shines through lyrical passages, rhythms, and varied rhyme schemes. While this inspired work is intensely personal, it remains universal in appeal."

Craig Tigerman makes his home in Moline, IL, with his wife and son, and works as a software support specialist for a large computer company.

Words Elude Me...Selected Poems, by Paula Marie White
Words Elude Me...
"Words Elude Me..." is a special collection of poems straight from the heart; they range a wide span of years, and mirror the author at various life stages.  The range of poetic styles, from simple rhymed verse to extremely complex blank verse, studded with internal rhyming and near-rhymes, attests to the maturity, vitality, and imaginative power of this poet.  Readers will be enriched wherever they dip into this lovely collection.

A poem from the book:
{Words soar in musical flight}

Words soar in musical flight,
Tumbling, flying, around
The confines of the room
Eyes shut tight,
I dream I'm singing to music.
Music so sweet it hurts
To hear...
(or not to).
I my dream
I am on stage, alone,
Spotlit dramatically...
Singing my heart out to a crowd
Of several hundred...
Or thousand!
Ah, and I sing, and my heart
Is poured forth in the words,
So painfully, movingly, beautifully...
It hurts to hear...
(or not to).
The music ends, and I stand
Glowing in the applauding hands
Then I open my eyes,
And silence returns.

 (C) 2000 by Paula Marie White

"Words Elude Me...Selected Poems," is published by 1stBooks Library, Bloomington, Indiana, copyright (c) 2000 by Paula M. White.  This book is available for purchase in several ways:

1)  Through 1stBooks:
Cost is $9.95 plus about $4 for shipping and handling.

(2) Through Barnes and Noble: or
Cost is $15.54 plus about $4 for shipping and handling.

(3) Through
Cost is $15.54 plus about $4 for shipping and handling.

A Cowtown Chronicle, by William Barney

A Cowtown Chronicle  is a collection of poems about the people and places of Fort Worth as told by a much-honored Texas poet, William Barney.

"The Slide"

In the Children’s Zoo, when it’s Stock Show time
there’s a devilish contraption, the duckling slide.
It’s a sort of a stair, with pond below,
and not much else for ducklings to do.
We all gather round to watch them climb
up to the top of this treacherous trap,
where the bait hangs high for ducklings to grab.
It hangs out of reach, oh, maybe not quite.
Still what hungry duckling won’t give it a try?
When he misses, he’s bound to lose footing
and down the slide go bewilderedly shooting.
We all of us gathered here shout with glee
to see a poor duckling cheated this way.

I have this fantasy, of somewhere above
a gaggle of Ultra-Ducks looks down on us
hilariously quacking at our over-reach
as we slide on our tails down into the deep.

If a man’s reach must exceed his grasp,
it’s only fair ducklings face this same fact.
Prizes get hung where they can’t get snatched
(say some) whether ducklings or men get hatched.

For a true taste of down-home Americana, Texas-style, visit:

For more information about Billy Bob Hill, Mr. Barney’s publisher, visit:

Unstinted, by Ted O. Badger

Unstinted is a collection of poems by Ted Badger, editor of Lucidity, A Journal of Verse. Ordering information below.

From the collection:

A Time-Worn Man

I am a time-worn man!

Erosion has flawed my countenance,
as Infirmity has marked my step;
aches I feel I never felt before,
 and my vision blurred some while back.

I am a time-worn man!

But aging withers not the heart,
nor does it touch the dreamer’s soul;
my spirit flares and burns today
 as fiercely as three-score ago.

Send $3.00 plus $1.00 postage per copy to:
  (new address)
Bear House Publishing
435 B-1 FM 1092 Rd  #285
Stafford TX  77477-5494

You may e-mail the poet at

Ted also offers a critiquing service. For more information, visit:

Texas Poetry Calendar 2001, edited by
Lianne Mercer and Betty Davis

Texas Poetry Calendar 2001
This third Texas Poetry Calendar reveals much about Texas from Rusk to the Rio Grande Valley, from its rivers to its mountains, its coastlines and plains.  This book takes the reader on a Texas adventure, revealing along the way its history and the heart of its people, offering a hand in friendship, for as we all know, Texas means “Friend.”

Ordering information below.
 by Sam Lanham

Sunflower gaily promises the habañero heat is ending
Elegant gayfeather bundles up the thermal breezes of summer
Eryngo sings of the cool air coming
Snow-on-the-mountain whispers

Send $12.00 per book plus shipping and handling of $3.00 for one book, $4.00 for three books. $1.00 for each additional book, (Texas residents add $.99 per book) to:

Flying Cow Productions
P.O. Box 654
Fredericksbrug, TX 78624

Writing that Certain Poem
Roberta Pipes Bowman

A quick reference for twenty-one forms which will add variety and charm to otherwise simple verse.  Examples included for each.

Quatrain:  A quatrain is four lines of verse, unrestricted in regard to rhyme scheme or meter.  A complete thought in expressed in the four lines.  Good practice for writing novels.

     The Other Side

If steep and high the road will wind,
         I walk with swinging stride
Because a hill that is inclined
Must have a sloping side.

Welcome to Today
Roberta Pipes Bowman

Poems.  These poems are windows  lines revealing clues to truth the poet knows and continually pursues.

The Light Flickers

The reading lamp dims, brightens,
shadows dance over the page.
Soon, I must put the book down,
find a new bulb,
or sit in a dimming room.
It is still light outside.
Trees chatter in crisp breeze
of autumn.  I listen to clink
of leaves hitting the awning.

I go on reading, pause when light
loses power until it grasps
a fresh charge of strength.
The filament refuses to die.
It is annoying.  I wait,
this dribbling down of life.
Certainly it will collapse,
leave me in the dark.
Everything has its time.

Biography:  Roberta Pipes Bowman began writing at an early age and has been included in many publications.  Her poems have been awarded prizes at local, state, and international levels, and published in a number of anthologies.  In 1994, she received the World Peace Award by CAAA at Lincoln Center in New York City.  She was inducted into the Hall of Fame in her hometown of Rio Vista, Texas.   A member of the Poetry Society of Texas, Roberta currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

For copies of either book, contact Roberta at:
Welcome to Today  - $5 pp
Writing That Certain Poem - $3 ppd

Roberta Pipes Bowman
3521 Eastridge Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76117-3534
(817) 838-9063