Gulf Coast Poets Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2009

President Mary Carlisle called the meeting to order at 10:46 am. Minutes taken by member Adriana Vazquez until Recording Secretary Debi Fairchild arrived. Oscar Pena moved to accept the May minutes, Edith Escalante seconded the motion. Minutes approved by members.

Treasurers Report

Beginning Balance 3/1/2009 $1694.60. Ending Balance 4/30/2009 $1670.75.

Member Events

1. Galveston Poets Roundtable: Moderator: John Gorman. Meets every second Tuesday in Galveston.
2. Gulf Coast Poets Poetry Reading Group: Moderator: Donny Wankan. No meeting in May, date in June TBA.
3. Gulf Coast Poets Critique Group: MC Katherine Sanger.  No meeting in May, otherwise meets every fourth Monday
4. Barnes & Noble Poetry Reading & Open Mic: MC: Oscar Pena. Meets every fourth Tuesday in Webster at 7:30 pm. May 26th: Martha Margarita Tomaz.
5. First Friday in June in Houston: MC: Robert Clark. Barbara Youngblood Carr. Deadline for Houston Poetry Fest is June 15th.
6. Poetry Works Workshop: Moderator: Mary Margaret Carlisle. RSVP in advance to attend. First Sundays.
7. Seabrook Coffee Oasis Poetry Reading Series: Moderator: Adriana Babiak-Vázquez. In May: Ann Fogelman. June 1st, Lois Lay Castiglioni with her granddaughter Kathryn Brooke O'Pella.
8. Poetry Society of Texas Summer Conference will be July 9-11 in Fort Worth, TX. For details on any upcoming event check your handouts or the Gulf Coast Poets website.

Other Member News

1. Rebecca Hatcher Travis won the First Book Award for Poetry from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas.
2. Dick Peake has a website advertising is poetry and his two novels. Visit
3. Check out Debi Fairchild's website for her poetry and stories at

Featured speaker in May: Carolyn Luke Reding from Austin, Texas.

The speaker stated "Our journey is in our poetry.” She was a teacher who taught poetry in textbook not creative writing.

Read Around:

Mary Carlisle: Is that Rain on the Roof ?
Anne Fogelman: Voices of the Children
Glen Monroe Irving: Blue Ridge Basin Lodge
Luis Vazquez: Thought of her Unbandaged Perfection
Adriana Vazquez: Blend; Mothers Song
Lauren English: Resilience; Time of Beauty
Kay Cox: Foggy Down in Clear Lake
Debi Fairchild: Yes Kiss My Feet; Water Colors
Oscar Pena: Hydrocarbon Change
Some of the Door Prizes Received
Adriana Vazquez: A bracelet made by Missouri artist, Kiwi Carlisle.
Luis Vazquez: $25 gift certificate from Barnes & Noble

Featured Gulf Coast Poets’ speaker in June: Susan Bright.

Meeting ended at noon. Lunch followed at Zios with the speaker.