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Gulf           Coast Poets

Gulf Coast Poets
Members’ Publications

This page is reserved for listing recent poetry books and publications by members, or in which members’ works appear, such as anthologies.  Members should provide information about their new and recent publications, including a brief description, link to a page where more info can be found along with ordering information if the publication is for sale.


From Gulf Coast Poets lifetime member, Larry Thomas:

Boiling It Down: the Electronic Chapbooks of Larry D. Thomas is a collection of all fifteen of my electronic chapbooks.  Here is the book’s listing at Amazon:


Although the publisher is Blue Horse Press, it is available for order only at Amazon.


Texas Poets Podcast - Texas Poets Discussing Texas Poets


The TPP was created by poet Terry Jude Miller, and is produced by another poet, Anne McCrady of Inspiritry.com. The host for the show is Dr. Stephen Souris.  Karla K. Morton, 2010 Texas Poet Laureate, is a special consultant to the TPP.

Thirteen Poets Anthology Reading
Friendswood Public Library
April 28, 7 pm

Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQer34_Xrdg

March 5, 2016:

A video-recording of Off the Page Poetry Series reading at the Friendswood Public Library, featuring Larry Thomas.

Recording courtesy of Lisa Wilkins, Friendswood Library staff member.

GCP Member Eloisa Perez-Lozano

  •     One poem was accepted for publication in Issue 18 of Askew.
  •     One poem was accepted for publication in Crab Fat Magazine's upcoming issue.

GCP Lifetime Member Larry Thomas announces the release of a revised and expanded print edition of my chapbook, The Circus, by Blue Horse Press (publisher of the San Pedro River Review).  Several of the twenty-two poems in the collection were first published by Right Hand Pointing in 2008 as an e-chapbook.  The book is available for purchase at Amazon.com:

Please find below some kind and most generous comments by Benjamin Myers, Oklahoma Poet Laureate, about the collection.

“For years, Larry D. Thomas has been a contemporary master of the precise image, but with this new collection, we discover that he is also ringmaster and clown, lion-tamer and lion. In poems as well-honed as the knife-thrower’s blade and as minutely accurate as his aim, this exceptional book honors well both its overt subject, the circus, and its implied subject, the making of art. These poems are infused with the high danger of artistic enterprise and should be approached with caution: their stark beauty cuts deep.”

Benjamin Myers, Oklahoma Poet Laureate

For information on this and other books, visit http://LarryDThomas.com/books.htm and for his chapbooks, visit http://LarryDThomas.com/chapbooks.html.


GCP Member Weasel Patterson writes: “I am happy to announce that my poetry collection, The Hell Inside Us, is now available! This collection was published through Earl of Plaid, and I can't thank them enough for taking on a project that's really personal to me.”

“The Hell Inside Us is a collection of poetry about the rough spots of life. It’s about the living through bullying experiences, through being discriminated against because you identity [sic] as a member of the LGBTQ community. This collection discusses and identifies issues that are still circulating much of society regarding these topics. The collection also focuses on other sucky aspects of life, such as getting your car repossessed, failed romances and the anxiety and addiction that comes from them. It’s a long story, but it’s one I’m happy to have out.”

Copies are available on Amazon and at my personal website. I’ll also be promoting the book through a few readings here and there. Grab your copy today and take one hell of a ride!


Owner and Manager of Weasel Press



GCP Member Eloisa Perez-Lozano

  • Three poems were published on a blog of Latino writers called "La Bloga."
  • Two poems were accepted for publication in the "Fourth & Sycamore" literary journal.
  • Poem, "Slipping," was accepted for publication in a journal called "Diverse Voices Quarterly."
  • Poem, "Border Crossing," was accepted for publication in a journal called "Blue Bonnet Review."
  • Three poems were accepted for publication in a journal called "aaduna."
  • One poem was accepted for publication in "The Texas Observer."
  • One poem was accepted for publication in a journal called "Voices de la Luna."
  • Three poems were accepted for publication on the "VONA/Voices Against Racial Injustice: An Arts Forum" website.
  • Three poems in the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival's Boundless anthology.
  • Three poems that were published online: https://medium.com/vona-voices-writers-against-racial-injustice-an/three-poems-32738ae88518

Another poem was accepted for the August 2015 issue of a literary journal called Amarillo Bay.

GCP Members Laura Pena and Weasel Patterson each have two poems in the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival's Boundless anthology.

GCP Lifetime Member Larry Thomas
In honor of Los Días de Los Muertos (October 31, November 1, and November 2), I am most pleased to announce the publication by Right Hand Pointing of my new e-chapbook:
It is available free of charge for viewing and downloading/printing.

He also released a new book in April, As If Light Actually Matters.  For information on this and other books, visit http://LarryDThomas.com/books.htm and for his chapbooks, visit http://LarryDThomas.com/chapbooks.html.

GCP Member John Milkereit released a new book in March, A Rotating Equipment Engineer is Never Finished. See https://smallpressnews.wordpress.com/2015/03/15/new-feature-new-writer-spotlight/ and the ordering page: http://www.amazon.com/Rotating-Equipment-Engineer-Never-Finished/dp/0990945200