==> Since there has been no interest in reviving the Gulf Coast Poets, this website will shut down following at the end of 2023. The FaceBook and email address, gulfcoastpoets@gmail.com, will remain active for some time after 2023.
All In-Person Meetings Canceled until further notice.
Also no Poetry Out of Bounds in October, and the Houston Poetry Fest has also been canceled.
==> The First Friday readings have resumed as of April 7, 2023
Welcome to the Gulf Coast Poets (GCP) Web Pages
The GCP is a Chapter of the Poetry Society of Texas
You can find meeting information including guest speakers and locations on the Meetings page.
The Meetings page contains meeting information.
The Membership page has a link to the membership and renewal form.
The Officers page contains the current officers and other volunteers. It also has a list of opportunities for additional volunteers.
Members’ Pubs will contain new books and publications with the poetry of current members.
The “Old webpage” button will call up the previous web page which may have some information and links not yet incorporated into the site upgrade. It may also have some links that no longer work. Information on the old webpage will not be updated.
A live preview of the GCP Facebook page may appear below, depending on the security settings of your browser. If it does not show below then visit here: GCP Facebook page
With sorrow, we relay that the founder and first president of the Gulf Coast Poets, Mary Margaret Carlisle, died on Nov 10, 2023.
You may find a photo album of her poetry involvement here: